Manage your daily finances quickly, conveniently and safely, where and when necessary, using the RIB mobile application!
RIB mobile application allows you:
To view account balances, statements and last transactions
To control and block bank cards
To make all types of payments in Euro and other currencies
To use payment samples created in the Internet Banking system
To send details
For additional convenience, ensuring the highest security standards, you can now activate and use the built-in virtual Digipass solution in the application. Virtual Digipass is a great alternative for the electronic Digipass device, bringing finance management to a new level, where your smart device provides you with everything necessary to manage your finances.
You can receive virtual Digipass activation codes at the Bank in Riga, at 2 J.Alunāna Street, or at the representative office of the Bank in Ukraine, Odessa, at 6/1 Krasnova Street.
Please note that the application will not work on Rooted devices.